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    This map layer shows the locations of in-stream water monitoring stations used by coal mining companies to monitor water quality in the Upper Hunter catchment. This information is provided by the coal companies as part of the Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue in cooperation with NSW Minerals Council and the community. A different coloured symbol is used for each coal company.

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    Marine protected areas are parts of the NSW marine estate managed to conserve marine biodiversity and support marine science, recreation and education. The NSW system of marine protected areas includes: marine parks – six multiple use marine parks cover around one third (approximately 345,000 hectares) of the NSW marine estate aquatic reserves – 12 aquatic reserves cover around 2,000 hectares of the NSW marine estate national parks and nature reserves – include around 20,000 hectares of estuarine and oceanic habitats.

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    Geophysics survey data has been reported to the NSW government and released under the requirements of the NSW Mining Act 1992. Contained within this vector file is the location of surveys and acquisition parameters. These surveys use uncommon techniques.

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    The Geological Survey of NSW developed a Seamless Geology of UTM Zone 56 during 2014 as part of a project to develop a seamless vector geology dataset of the best available geological mapping data covering the whole of NSW.The overarching aims of the Statewide Seamless Geology Project were to: (i) compile the different original scales, formats and rock unit naming conventions into a consistent, statewide format; (ii) edge-match the geology across existing map sheets; and (iii) interpret the basement geology under cover. The resulting geodatabase comprises a series of layers which include: (i) solid basement geology; (ii) cover rocks (defined as undeformed and unmetamorphosed); (iii) Mesozoic igneous rocks; and (iv) Cenozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks. The project was divided into 3 major stages corresponding to the UTM zones which divide New South Wales. This dataset includes the seamless geology layers from the NSW portion of UTM Zone 56 (ie.east of 150 degrees longitude to the coast).

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    Pseudocolour image of the ratio between uranium and thorium within the upper 20 centimetres of the ground. Cooler colours indicate lower abundances of uranium relative to thorium and warmer colours represent the opposite. Variations in U2/Th ratio are caused varied mineral compositions in host rocks and soils. This statewide image was generated by merging many individual airborne radiometric surveys.

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    A subset of the NSW water bore dataset focused specifically on Cobar.

  • The Geological Survey of NSW developed a Seamless Geology of UTM Zone 56 during 2014 as part of a project to develop a seamless vector geology dataset of the best available geological mapping data covering the whole of NSW.The overarching aims of the Statewide Seamless Geology Project were to: (i) compile the different original scales, formats and rock unit naming conventions into a consistent, statewide format; (ii) edge-match the geology across existing map sheets; and (iii) interpret the basement geology under cover. The resulting geodatabase comprises a series of layers which include: (i) solid basement geology; (ii) cover rocks (defined as undeformed and unmetamorphosed); (iii) Mesozoic igneous rocks; and (iv) Cenozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks. The project was divided into 3 major stages corresponding to the UTM zones which divide New South Wales. This dataset includes the seamless geology layers from the NSW portion of UTM Zone 56 (ie.east of 150 degrees longitude to the coast).

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    AEM curtains are a set of cross-sections generated using geophysical inversion to convert AEM data to conductivity (m/S) versus depth below surface (m). These data represent the conductivity of soil and rocks to a depth of about 400 m. A pseudocolour-stretch has been applied to the data. Blue represents low conductivity values and red represents high values. The colours vary due to; (1) natural variations in the electrical properties of soils, rocks, minerals and groundwater, (2) man-made structures, radio-transmissions and lightning strike and (3) AEM system artefacts.

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    This is the coal subset of the NSW drilling dataset available from Geoscientific Data Warehouse. The drillhole data has been compiled over time from various sources including mineral exploration reports and departmental records.It provides drill collar information for coal drillholes and associated data including classification of drilling purpose, drill type, licencee/driller information, date the hole was drilled, depth of hole drilled and references. This data is part of the New South Wales Geoscientific Data Warehouse (NSW GDW) series.

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    Pseudocolour image of isostatic residual Bouguer gravity with a histogram-equalised colour stretch. Cooler colours indicate lower Bouguer gravity values and warmer colours represent higher values. The intensity layer is the Bouguer gravity greyscale image enhanced by a 3x3 sun filter with the sun illumination set at 45 degrees elevation and 90 degrees azimuth. Bouguer gravity compensates for variations in latitude, 'free-air' elevation and Bouguer correction (assuming a crustal density of 2.67 T/m³). The isostatic correction removes the effect of variations in the thickness of the Earth’s crust due to changes in topography. The isostatic effect is particularly strong under the Great Dividing Range.