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    This vector contains the flight lines from the MinEx Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) Cobar Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) survey. This survey was a collaboration between the Geological Survey of NSW and Geoscience Australia

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    AEM curtains are a set of cross-sections generated using geophysical inversion to convert AEM data to conductivity (m/S) versus depth below surface (m). These data represent the conductivity of soil and rocks to a depth of about 400 m. A pseudocolour-stretch has been applied to the data. Blue represents low conductivity values and red represents high values. The colours vary due to; (1) natural variations in the electrical properties of soils, rocks, minerals and groundwater, (2) man-made structures, radio-transmissions and lightning strike and (3) AEM system artefacts.

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    This vector contains the boundary of the MinEx Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) Cobar Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) surveydivided into three areas. This division is based on the flight line spacing which varies from 2.5 to 5.0 km. This survey was a collaboration between the Geological Survey of NSW and Geoscience Australia.

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    The NSW Seamless Geology Project is a five-year initiative of the Geological Survey of New South Wales which commenced in late 2013 and aims to provide a statewide compilation of the best available digital geological mapping data in an internally consistent format. The overarching aims of the NSW Seamless Geology Project were to: (i) compile the different original scales, formats and rock unit naming conventions into a consistent, statewide format; (ii) edge-match the geology across existing map sheets; and (iii) interpret the basement geology under cover. The resulting geodatabase comprises a series of layers which include: (i) solid basement geology; (ii) cover rocks (defined as undeformed and unmetamorphosed); (iii) Mesozoic igneous rocks; and (iv) Cenozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks. Due to the size of the project, the work was divided into UTM zones, starting in the east with Zone 56, then moving west to Zone 54, and finishing with Zone 55. The western half of Zone 55 was completed in 2018, after which the results were merged with the previously completed Zones to produce version 1 of the NSW Seamless Geology dataset. Completion of this stage saw the end of phase 1 of the Seamless Geology Project, but it is intended that the Seamless Geology dataset will be continually updated and refined as new digital geological mapping data becomes available. Version 2 is the 2nd major update to the NSW Seamless Geology and was released in May 2020. This release includes: final data from the East Riverina Mapping Project; updates to the geology of several areas in the Lachlan Orogen; approximately 11,000 new structure points in the Lachlan Orogen and Curnamona Province; detailed revision of the Cenozoic Igneous Province; detailed mapping of the Newcastle Coal Measures; and extensive upgrades to the RockUnit polygon attribute table. The geology of Lord Howe Island is also included for the first time. A single layer version of the Seamless Geology dataset has been created to give a view of the New South Wales surface geology only by removing all the data from overlapped feature classes of the full NSW Seamless Geology dataset and merging the remaining data into a single feature class. As well as giving a view of the surface geology that is faster to display than the full NSW Seamless Geology dataset, the single layer NSW Seamless Geology dataset is also useful for performing statewide queries that would otherwise have to be performed multiple times on the full multi-layered New South Wales Seamless Geology dataset. Version 2.1 is the 3rd major update to the NSW Seamless Geology and was released in May 2021. This release includes: the NSW Metamorphic dataset; an upgrade of the geology of the Cenozoic Murray Basin (southwest New South Wales); an upgrade of the geology of the Sydney Basin and Mesozoic intrusions of the Illawarra region; changes to the boundaries of several depo-centres of the Darling Basin; over 50,000 trendlines and dykes were added to the Curnamona Province data in the Broken Hill area; the geology of Kinchega National Park, near Menindee, has been reinterpreted and updated using ADS imagery and radiometric data; and updates were made to the stratigraphy and nomenclature of the Fifield Suite (Lachlan Orogen). This release also features many new additions to the RockUnit attribute table, including an "Ultramafic" field, and new or updated magmatic fertility attributes (Lachlan Orogen only). NOTE: A substantial amount of overlay, erase and intersect geoprocessing of the original multi-layered Seamless Geology was undertaken to produce the single layer surface NSW Seamless Geology dataset. Due to small tolerance differences between different layers in the Seamless Geology dataset, this has, in some places, created small “sliver” polygons between boundaries common to more than one layer of the original multi-layered NSW Seamless Geology. This is a known issue with the current single layer Seamless Geology dataset and while some attempt has been made to resolve these issues, a number of small “sliver” polygons remain. Users are cautioned to be aware of this problem when using this dataset at high zoom levels (ie. under 1:1,000 scale) and to refer to the full Seamless Geology dataset for clarification.

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    AEM curtains are a set of cross-sections generated using geophysical inversion to convert AEM data to conductivity (m/S) versus depth below surface (m). These data represent the conductivity of soil and rocks to a depth of about 400 m. A pseudocolour-stretch has been applied to the data. Blue represents low conductivity values and red represents high values. The colours vary due to; (1) natural variations in the electrical properties of soils, rocks, minerals and groundwater, (2) man-made structures, radio-transmissions and lightning strike and (3) AEM system artefacts.

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    A subset of the NSW Drillholes dataset focused specifically on Cobar.

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    A subset of the NSW water bore dataset focused specifically on Cobar.

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    Pseudocolour image of isostatic residual Bouguer gravity with a histogram-equalised colour stretch. Cooler colours indicate lower Bouguer gravity values and warmer colours represent higher values. The intensity layer is the Bouguer gravity greyscale image enhanced by a 3x3 sun filter with the sun illumination set at 45 degrees elevation and 90 degrees azimuth. Bouguer gravity compensates for variations in latitude, 'free-air' elevation and Bouguer correction (assuming a crustal density of 2.67 T/m³). The isostatic correction removes the effect of variations in the thickness of the Earth’s crust due to changes in topography. The isostatic effect is particularly strong under the Great Dividing Range.