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The Geological Survey of NSW developed a Seamless Geology of UTM Zone 56 during 2014 as part of a project to develop a seamless vector geology dataset of the best available geological mapping data covering the whole of NSW.The overarching aims of the Statewide Seamless Geology Project were to: (i) compile the different original scales, formats and rock unit naming conventions into a consistent, statewide format; (ii) edge-match the geology across existing map sheets; and (iii) interpret the basement geology under cover. The resulting geodatabase comprises a series of layers which include: (i) solid basement geology; (ii) cover rocks (defined as undeformed and unmetamorphosed); (iii) Mesozoic igneous rocks; and (iv) Cenozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks. The project was divided into 3 major stages corresponding to the UTM zones which divide New South Wales. This dataset includes the seamless geology layers from the NSW portion of UTM Zone 56 (ie.east of 150 degrees longitude to the coast).
Map blocks and map units are based on a system originally devised by the British Ordinance Survey. Each 1:1 million scale map sheet is subdivided into 3456 graticular map blocks, each measuring 5’ of latitude by 5’ of longitude. These map blocks are further subdivided into 25 1’ by 1’ map units. A map unit is approximately 3 square kilometres in size.
The Geological Survey of NSW developed a Seamless Geology of UTM Zone 56 during 2014 as part of a project to develop a seamless vector geology dataset of the best available geological mapping data covering the whole of NSW.The overarching aims of the Statewide Seamless Geology Project were to: (i) compile the different original scales, formats and rock unit naming conventions into a consistent, statewide format; (ii) edge-match the geology across existing map sheets; and (iii) interpret the basement geology under cover. The resulting geodatabase comprises a series of layers which include: (i) solid basement geology; (ii) cover rocks (defined as undeformed and unmetamorphosed); (iii) Mesozoic igneous rocks; and (iv) Cenozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks. The project was divided into 3 major stages corresponding to the UTM zones which divide New South Wales. This dataset includes the seamless geology layers from the NSW portion of UTM Zone 56 (ie.east of 150 degrees longitude to the coast).
Mineral Resource Areas (MRAs) are areas where NSW local councils has been notified in accordance with Ministerial Direction 1.3 under Section 9.1(2) of the EP&A Act 1979. The direction requires councils to consult with DRNSW if proposed Local Environment Plans (LEPs including planning proposals and re-zonings) are likely to prohibit or restrict development of coal, petroleum, mineral and extractive resources. The direction requires the state government to notify local councils of the locations of current operations and resources of state or regional significance. MRAs should also be used when undertaking the compatibility test required in accordance with Clause 13 of the Mining SEPP. The test must be carried out for any proposed development in the vicinity of existing mines, quarries and petroleum production facilities or resources of state or regional significance.
This vector contains the boundary and flight lines of Infill Area D. Infill Area D is part of the MinEx Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) Cobar Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) survey. This survey was a collaboration between the Geological Survey of NSW (GSNSW) and Geoscience Australia. Infill D was funded by Legacy Minerals Pty. Ltd. Regional lines were funded by GSNSW.
This is the coal subset of the NSW drilling dataset available from Geoscientific Data Warehouse. The drillhole data has been compiled over time from various sources including mineral exploration reports and departmental records.It provides drill collar information for coal drillholes and associated data including classification of drilling purpose, drill type, licencee/driller information, date the hole was drilled, depth of hole drilled and references. This data is part of the New South Wales Geoscientific Data Warehouse (NSW GDW) series.
The coal seam gas drillholes dataset stores information about CSG sites within NSW. The dataset has been developed to record summary data on CSG exploration and development drilling for holes drilled in New South Wales. The dataset contains summary information about each drillhole such as location, total depth, azimuth/dip, wireline logs, core availability and library location and DIGS references. This data is part of the New South Wales Geoscientific Data Warehouse (NSW GDW) series.
This fossil database contains information on samples mainly collected by the Geological Survey of NSW unless otherwise noted, with many specimens housed at the Londonderry Core Facility. To ensure the preservation of of key outcrops, only localities for microfossils and trace fossils are shown. For information on the locality of macrofossils and/or where specimens can be inspected, please email geoinfo.admin@industry.nsw.gov.au.
Many airborne magnetic/radioelement surveys have been acquired by the NSW government through the NSW Exploration, Discovery 2000 and New Frontiers Initiative funding. Others have been acquired jointly with Geoscience Australia (formerly AGSO). Contained within this vector file are details on each of the surveys and some acquisition parameters, which will help locate survey data stored digitally. Not all of these surveys have both radioelement and magnetic data.Some project areas have grids that have been merged from private exploration company data (that are open file). These are attributed as "private" exploration company data in the shapefile. The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understanding at time of writing (December 2016). Because of advances in knowledge, users are reminded of the need to ensure that information upon which they rely is up to date. The information contained in this publication may not be or may no longer be aligned with government policy nor does the publication indicate or imply government policy.
The Geological Survey of NSW developed a Seamless Geology of UTM Zone 56 during2014 as part of a project to develop a seamless vector geology dataset of the best available geological mapping data covering the whole of NSW.The overarching aims of the Statewide Seamless Geology Project were to: (i) compile the different original scales, formats and rock unit naming conventions into a consistent, statewide format; (ii) edge-match the geology across existing map sheets; and (iii) interpret the basement geology under cover. The resulting geodatabase comprises a series of layers which include: (i) solid basement geology; (ii) cover rocks (defined as undeformed and unmetamorphosed); (iii) Mesozoic igneous rocks; and (iv) Cenozoic sedimentary and igneous rocks. The project was divided into 3 major stages corresponding to the UTM zones which divide New South Wales. This dataset includes the seamless geology layers from the NSW portion of UTM Zone 56 (ie.east of 150 degrees longitude to the coast).